We’re extending our free nurse consultation clinic in Hastings. Book now for the 12th of July. Our new clinic offering varicose vein consultations and varicose vein treatments, is at Shape my Health in Hastings. A free consultation with our specialist vein nurse is worth $50.
To book call: 0800 801 224 or email: info@simplyveins.co.nz.
But, you’ll have to be in quick. We have limited spaces.
What to expect at your consultation
Our nurse will examine your varicose veins and recommend whether treatment is the right option for you. The nurse may recommend you wear compression socks to help alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins. Medical-grade compression socks provide graduated compression to help blood flow. You will need to measure your legs for the right fit.

Our nurse will then will ask you to complete our online consultation, this speeds up the process and means we get all your information in one go. Attach your photos within the form for our vascular surgeon to look at.
What happens after your free nurse consultation?
Treatment is done by our vascular surgeon and he will oversee your care. We use a minimally invasive procedure and use medical adhesive to close the varicose vein. It’s walk in and walk out. You will be fitted with thigh-high compression stockings, which you’ll need to keep on for 10 days. Lastly, we say to take it easy the next day or two with no heavy lifting or gym workouts but you can get on with your normal activities after that.
So, where will I find the free nurse consultation Hastings clinic?
The free nurse consultation clinic is on the 12th of July 2024. It’s at Shape my Health in Canning Road, Hastings. This is where we will be offering our varicose vein treatments from.
What if the 12th of July doesn’t suit me?
If the 12th of July doesn’t suit, you can still fill in our online consultation Then our nurse will be in touch. The form allows you to attach photos so this gives our nurse good information to talk to you over the phone.
Remember, if you decide to go ahead with varicose vein treatment this will be done by our vascular surgeon.